Getting people to purchase your crafts is a big step, but not an impossible one. You may already have three of the four major components needed to succeed.
- You are creative, have numerous ideas and a passion to do this.
- You own a cutting plotter capable of making great products and you have the skills to operate it.
- You may not know it yet, but platforms like Etsy create place to list your products and reach millions of potential customers. An Etsy store front can be set up in a few hours and usually for less than $15, depending upon how many products you list.
What are you missing?
- The actual designs to cut and produce crafts with.
Sure, you can spend your time trying to make your own designs, but is that really the best use of your time? It can take years to learn the ends and outs of being a professional graphic designer. It can take weeks and months just to learn the basics. This is time you can be producing crafts to sell.
Anyone with a Cricut machine can create designs only containing text. Having profession graphics is what separates the skilled amateurs from budding professionals.
I sell hundreds of professionally designed vector files for affordable, re-sellable, prices. Most of my designs are under $2.50. Many are under $2. If time is money, then time saved in money saved. Focus on creating your crafts, leave the designs to me. Free yourself up to turn your hobby to a hustle.
To see my images, Click Here and select a Category.